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Get to know Phonemos and understand the most important concepts and functions

What is Phonemos?

Phonemos is a tool for content collaboration and documentation. It provides wiki-like features for collaboratively editing pages and publishing documents.

Cas d'utilisation

Internal and external collaboration

With fine-grained permissions, content can also be made available to partners or customers, which enables cross-organizational collaboration. Participants can be assigned tasks and deadlines set — without an additional tool.

Gestion des connaissances

All knowledge can be stored in a central location. This means that all participants always have the same level of knowledge and can access information without having to ask third parties.


Edit at the same time

Content can be edited by several users at the same time, and the changes are visible to all editors in real time.

Multilingual content

Each page can be maintained in several language versions. Ideal for information that is accessible to customers.

Fully customizable

Various adaptations to your CI/CD and specific use are possible

Powerful editor

The user-friendly, fast and powerful editor makes it easy for Office users to create pages.

Quick support

Reactive support from linkyard, via chat, telephone or service portal.

Swiss Made

Our software is operated and developed in Switzerland. All data is stored in Switzerland in encrypted form and can only be accessed by Swiss companies.

Structure and navigation

Phonemos is hierarchically divided into the following elements:

  • Instance: Your Phonemos instance
  • Website: Page accessible via a URL (e.g. wiki.mycompany.com and manuals.mycompany.com)
  • Topic: An area for storing information. For example, a project
  • Pages and file lists

Instance and Phonemos website

You can set up several separate websites in your Phonemos instance. The websites share the user directories, but can have their own CI/CD and have a separate navigation system. Each Phonemos website can be reached via a separate URL.

For example, this allows you to use Phonemos both as an internal knowledge base (wiki.mycompany.com) for your employees and instructions for your customers (manuals.mycompany.com) with the same licenses.

The number of websites is not limited.


Every Phonemos website consists of topics. Each topic forms a collection of pages on the same topic, this can be, for example:

  • a project: For meeting minutes and results as part of a project
  • one team: For team meetings, organization, photo collection
  • a software product: For specification, architecture, documentation, support for a product
  • A process: For process documentation

The topic is selected in the main navigation:

Main navigation with topics

Once the topic is open, you can jump between the contents in the page navigation.

The pages can also be rearranged (sorted, nested) right there.

Navigation within the topic (page navigation)

Pages and file lists

Content (example: page)

Edit pages

You can easily edit the pages in your playground by clicking the edit icon (or using the keyboard shortcut “e”):

Edit icon at the bottom right

This will put you in edit mode

Page in edit mode

The changes you make are automatically saved continuously, so there is no “Save” button. The changes are immediately visible to all editors (in edit mode), but are only visible to everyone when “Publish” is selected.

Several users editing the page (purple “M” marks the other user's cursor)

Share files

In other wiki systems, files often only exist as attachments to pages. While this makes sense for many files such as embedded images, etc., we don't think it does justice to the importance of documentation that can be provided as PDFs or Office documents.

For this reason, you can interchangeably mix files and wiki pages in your workspace tree.

Create a file list

The files can simply be uploaded by dragging and dropping. They are automatically versioned and stored in encrypted form.

file list

Gestion des utilisateurs

Other cloud software providers charge extra for SSO integrations. We have decided to make SSO the standard for a customer directory.

And why? It's easier to use, more convenient, and user lifecycle control in a well-managed central directory also adds an extra layer of security. And it actually costs us more to provide the functionality to build application-internal user directories.

It is also possible to combine several directories for different user groups. For example, an Azure AD for employees and accounts managed in Phonemos for customers. Or Google social login for customers.

Among other things, we support the integration of the following solutions:

  • Azure AD
  • local Active Directory (with ADFS)
  • Google G Suite
  • Keycloak
  • Une connexion
  • edu-ID
  • local user directory

For technicians: The integration of SAML 2.0 and OIDC is supported.

Demo instance

The user and permission management is not activated for you on the demo, but if you are interested, we will be happy to show it to you. You have full access to the live instance and can also configure it yourself.

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